How Web Hosting Affects the Loading Speed of a Website?
Apr 09, 2023
Web hosting is like your website's heartbeat. It should be up and running at all times. If it comes to a halt, your entire business comes to a halt. In addition, a web hosting server also needs to be secure and fast. Many users have a question in mind which is if web hosting really affects the loading speed of a website. The answer to this question is “yes”. When it comes to page speed many experts believe that web hosting is one of the most unnoticed factors. So overall the speed of the website matters a lot in web hosting in Pakistan.
No one loves a slow-loading website. On average a website needs to have a loading time of up to 3 seconds or else it gets crossed by the users. This article shares how web hosting hampers or improves the loading speed of a website.
Page speed and its importance
According to research, Page speed is the measure of how fast your web page loads its content for visitors. According to the latest report, 40% of people abandon a website if it takes more than two to three seconds to load. So a website loses customers due to speed. Google also uses website speed as a major ranking factor in search engines.
Web Hosting Matters
The web hosting provider you choose, or the type of plan you sign up for has a huge impact on your site's performance. Web hosting should also offer ease and convenience. This means that a hosting plan should be affordable and easy to use.
Factors that Affect the Speed of a Website
Here are the web hosting factors that affect the website speed:
1-Hard drive: A solid-state drive will load much faster than the other hard drives. It is also more reliable when compared with standard hard drives. This guarantees fast loading time of a web page
2-Resources: Most of the time, the website's bandwidth volume and RAM automatically add reasonable speed and power to websites. Choosing a steadfast server or a VPS offer more types of resources than the standard shared server. It will also prevent other sites from impacting performance.
Increase in speed by a server
When a user signs up for a reasonable shared hosting plan the resources are divided between hundreds and thousands of websites all around the world. It can negatively impact a site’s performance if any one of the websites has a major traffic explosion as the rest are using the remainder of the available bandwidth and RAM.
You can use a dedicated server, to sort out all such problems. Although all servers have a limited amount of RAM available along with the bandwidth volume for data, it is highly unlikely that you will ever meet that threshold level in the case of a dedicated server. So one can operate the server at an optimum level of speed.
If you cannot afford a dedicated server, you do not need to worry at all. Reliable, affordable, and even free VPNs are available in the market. These VPNs offer a great price compared to that shared servers.
It does not matter what type of plan you are using, your hosting provider should be able to guarantee a certain level of performance and speed. Best hosting plans come at a number of great prices and they all can offer scalability, litheness, and reliability to all the servers. Web hosting also affects the website’s SEO. So carefully choose the right hosting plan!
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