Cheap Hosting Websites


Security Suggestions for Websites Using Cheap Hosting

Cheap hosting is a great way for running a website on a budget, but like everything in life, it too comes with a downside in the form of security loopholes. Although they have a basic security layer, they lack advanced security measures. This leaves websites exposed to cyber threats such as malware infections, data breaches and hacks. A secure website is your key to success whether you are running a small or an ecommerce store. Given below are some critical security tips to protect a website without incurring a high cost. 

  1. Opt for a hosting provider with basic security features 

Cheap hosting providers are not equal, as far as security is concerned. Always check if they are offering:  

  • Free SSL Certificate for user data encryption and boosting trust. 
  • Regular Backups for data loss protection. 
  • Malware Scanning for blocking threats 
  • 99.9% Guarantee for countering downtime attacks. 
  • Hosting providers such as, Hostinger and Namecheap all contain advanced security options in their cheap plans. 


  1. Using SSL Certificate Free and Paid 


SSL certificate does data encryption between website and visitors that keeps the hackers from intruding.  

Getting SSL Certificate on a Cheap Price 

Most hosting providers come with free SSL certificates under their plans. 

Even if a hosting plan doesn't have it, SSL Certificate is available for only $5 to $10 per year. 

Install SSL certificate in case a hosting provider allows it.  

Without the certificate, browsers display the site as ‘Not Secure’ which scares the visitors away. 

3. Keeping Your Website Updated 

If you use WordPress, or any other CMS, the files become a hacking target. 

For staying secure, you need to enable auto updates, CMS and plugins.  

Delete outdated and unused plugins as they are at security risks. 

Select reputable plugins and keep them updated. As a security fact, the outdated software and plugins account for 95% of the hacks. 

4. Using Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) & Strong Passwords 

Avoid using weak passwords as they will invite hackers more. Passwords such as admin123 and password are an invitation for cybercriminals. 

Try using a password manager for generating strong passwords. 

Add a 2FA two-factor Authentication for security. 

Reduce the Login attempts for preventing cyberattacks. 

A good example for a strong password is 8Y!VOX197@. Although it is difficult to memorise, it is easy to remember. 

5. Web Application Firewall (WAF) Installation 

WAF blocks and filters bad traffic before it gets to your website. In case your hosting provider doesn't have this, you can use: 

  • Cloudflare Plan: It adds an extra security layer against DDoS attacks. 
  • Sucuri: It is a firewall that protects brute-force and malware attacks. 
  • WordPress Wordfence: Includes malware and Firewall scanning. 

You can also get a free DNS-based protection for speeding your site while blocking the bots. 

Final Verdict 

A website on a cheap hosting doesn't have to compromise on the security. Follow the security tips to protect a website from cyberattacks without spending additional amounts. 

A Brief Security Overview: 

  • Add a SSL and Firewall 

  • Update all your WordPress, themes and Plugins 

  • Use strong passwords 

  • Regular Backups 

  • Keep scanning for suspicious activities 

In case your hosting plan doesn't come with security features, there are low-cost and free  options to keep a website safe.